Friday, November 6, 2009

The Book Lover in Ebook

In my spare time, i really love to spend it reading a good book. But lately i have been hooked up with computer, internet and the online world. But i just found out lately that i can still enjoy reading without having the physical book. This is how convenient the online world is. I found a search engine for electronic books. And the cool thing is, you can search by country or any subject you can think of. Like for example, i came from the Philippines and i want to read something about Alamat or history. I can easily find it by using the search engine then it will show and narrow down the search too. So, i can still enjoy my passion of reading in my handy computer wherever i go. Another thing is, most of the books are here in a convenient pdf format. You can actually save it and read it at another spare time without searching for it again.

I am so glad to have found pdf search Try this and you'll know
what i am talking about.

This is a convenient way to enjoy reading. Let me know if you have tried this
and what your thoughts are.

1 comments on "The Book Lover in Ebook"

Anonymous said...

I have yet to try reading an Ebook. I still love the smell of a new trade paperback. But its a changing world, maybe I'll try it soon. :)

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