Friday, September 18, 2009

5 Pounds a Week: A Total Failure

I am on a self challenge of losing few pounds.  Five freakin' pounds is so hard to shred.  I have been keeping on a 15 minutes run on my treadmill for a good whole week now.  I have been careful with my diet. Well, it's not starvation.  I still eat but healthy kind of diet.  Not the 'habhab' that i used to.  So far i don't see any change.  But at least, i didn't go overboard.

I am still hoping and crossing my fingers to lose that five freakin stubborn pounds in the next couple of weeks.  If others can, why can't i? haha!

2 comments on "5 Pounds a Week: A Total Failure"

Phebie on September 19, 2009 at 2:35 AM said...

sexyha nmo mem oi....kaya na nmo mem...kaw pa!

dugay na na nmo nga pic?wafa kaau ka mem....

Debbie Racho on September 19, 2009 at 3:19 AM said...

my goal is to look like this..this was taken way way back..mga 3 yrs ago...

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