Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lush Haul/Review + other stuffs

Yay! I finally get the chance to visit and pick out some Lush goodies that i have been eyeing for so long.  I was so excited when my hubby told me we were going.  Yah, even when it was pouring hard that day! 

I literally stayed their for long to choose which ones to get.  I got a box wrapped with goodies for a friend whose having a bday soon.  So, i picked a few for her.  I love Honey I washed the kids and rockstar soap.  I also hear good stuff about it, so i got those.. And what caught my eyes were those bath bombs..i love to take bubble baths and i haven't done one since we moved to this house.  I picked a few for myself too.

I also got crocs and hava slippers ready for summer.

Okey, going back to the lush goodies...i get to try the butter ball bomb, i was kinda disappointed on that one. I was expecting tub with lots of bubbles.  I was wrong, bath bombs don't make bubbles, only the bubble bars.  oh oh, wrong one!  But i still enjoyed my tub bath.  I have no complains with the soap and i am using it at the moment, even my hubby used it too and it made my skin moisturized that i feel like i don't need lotion.

Check out if you are interested.  

1 comments on "Lush Haul/Review + other stuffs"

Phebie on April 17, 2009 at 7:19 AM said...

wlay ako ana mem?hehehhe

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