Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Makeup Swap

I heard about from youtube gurus that i have been watching.  It's a website where you can swap makeup or any item agreed by both parties.  You will have to list your swap items and wishlist items.  In this website, you can also read reviews about products, makeup, hair products etc etc.  

I joined and registered this site not long ago but just started with swapping this week.. I tell you, it's very addicting!  Yet you also have to be careful coz there are also swaplifter! Who would think they existed? Right! They do! I love makeup ally, great reviews! and it can really be a fun and resourceful community.

So far, i have sent 3 items to 3 different girls who i swapped with items that i have been wanting but hesitant to buy!  This way, i'm able to save a little money and get rid of makeup/products that i don't really use and i dont want to keep.

If you are a makeup addict like me, you can try this community!  And let me know what your experiences are! Be it great or not so great!

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