Thursday, April 16, 2009

She got confidence!

I checked my twitter last night and came across from allthatglitters21 whom i've been following this tweet with the link.  I don't normally check links especially youtube's.  But this one, i did.  I thought, ughh this one's another nonsense.  I saw Simon and judges and this Susan Boyle.  She looks not so likeable.  I thought, nah, maybe one of those auditions to laugh about.

Then as the video progressed, audience were laughing and i can see them making criticisms.  Even the judges made initial bad reactions.  She's old to be in the contest.  But when she started singing her voice shocked everyone! It was one emotional, magical, i don't know how to explain. That feeling that you almost wanna cry and you don't even know why.  She has this lovely lovely voice.  And people applauded her and were amazed!

People are too quick to judge and they maybe amazing in what they do, like Susan.  Enough said, we cannot judge anybody by the looks alone.

Thought of sharing this to you guys!!!

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